Divorce Name Change

Many women decide that they want to revert back to their maiden name after going through a divorce. Fortunately, nearly every state makes this process very easy, especially if you make this request when filing for divorce. However, even if you wait until years later to change your name, the process is very affordable and simple.

Change Your Name After Divorce

Online Name Change Service for Fast, Easy Filing

  • U.S. Passport
  • U.S. Postal Service
  • Voter Registration
  • Secondary Sources & Agencies
  • Social Security Card
  • Internal Revenue Service File
  • Drivers License & I.D. Cards
  • Vehicle Title & Registration

Name Change During Divorce

If you are currently going through a divorce and you know that you want to revert back to your maiden name, it is crucial to file a name change request when you are going through the process of your divorce. You can pick up a Name Change Request Form, which has a different name in each state, at your local Clerk of Courts office. You should either include this form with your divorce papers or bring it with you to your divorce hearing. The fees for changing your name will be included in your divorce costs. This will allow the judge to approve your name change as part of your divorce and your divorce decree is the only official document you need to change your name.

Name Change After Divorce

If you decide to change your name after your divorce is final, the process is slightly longer but still easy to complete.

  1. Complete a Name Change Request Form - Pick up a Name Change Request Form at your county Clerk of Courts office. Be sure to complete every applicable section of the form and provide any necessary documentation, such as copies of the divorce decree. Many states also require that this form be notarized before filing it with the courts.
  2. File a Petition for Divorce Name Change - Once the form is complete, it must be filed with your local Clerk of Courts office. You may incur a nominal fee, generally between $20 and $30.
  3. Place an Ad in local Publication - You may be required to place an ad in one or more local newspapers announcing your name change. This allows anyone that does business with you to know that you are changing your name.
  4. Go to your Hearing - Not every state requires you to attend a hearing to change your name after a divorce, but if you are summoned then you must attend the hearing. Bring along any necessary paperwork, such as your birth certificate (proof of maiden name) and final divorce decree.
  5. Judge Approval - Once all your documents and paperwork are verified, the judge should approve your request and provide you with an official petition approval document.

Change Legal Documents

Once the courts approve you name change, you must officially change your name with all governmental agencies, as well as your bank, employer, health care provider and other important entities.

  • Social Security Card - You must complete and submit an Application for Social Security Card form by mailing it to or stopping by the nearest social security office. You will need to provide a certified copy of your divorce decree or the approved name change petition form. You should receive your new social security card within seven to 10 days.
  • Driver License - Once you have your new social security card, you will be able to change the name on your driver license. You can change your name by completing the necessary forms and submitting the required documentation to your state's Department of Motor Vehicles or go to your local DMV office.

Change Your Name After Divorce

Online Name Change Service for Fast, Easy Filing